Saturday, 13 October 2012

Kikelomo Omooba

Commandment One 

Understand that teaching the young child is a holy call of eternal value; pray for each child and ask for loving wisdom as you reach out to them.

Commandment Two

Get down at a child's eye; show love and welcome by your touch, word and smile. Teach respect by showing respect. (Your actions will teach far more than words.)

Commandment Three

Make suggestion more often than you give commands; phrase directions positively  (A child must know what he or she can do in place of what he or she can not do.) 

Commandment Four

Be a teacher of great vision: see the most active, the most difficult or the most withdrawn child, not as a problem, but a person to be loved into God's family ( remember and repeat often that God loves and has good plans for each one).

Commandment Five
Give acceptable choices and set reasonable limits;stick to them and keep your word when you make a promise. It is always important to the child.

Commandment Six
Realize that your interaction is always needed, even when children are absorbed in an activity. ( Stay nearby and guide conversations: listen, show love and ask open ended question to help children understand and apply bible truth.)

Commandment Seven

Be quick to see, describe and thank a child for right actions. (describing a child's action helps the child put meaning to concepts like sharing and kindness.)

Commandment Eight

Remember that young children learn by doing, and provide active ways for them to learn.

Commandment Nine

Know what typical behaviour for young children and guide the child towards desirable behaviour. (A young child is not yet able to see how his or her actions affect others.)

Commandment Ten

Remember how easily small children absorb our attitude and how watchful they are of our actions and reactions. (Our attitudes and actions will either affirm or deny the truth or our words!)

For more info go to:
Follow on Twitter: @omoobaka

Friday, 12 October 2012


Edun gan_NIDE


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